Let's See How I Can Help You

How To Be Open & Vulnerable

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Some people are really scared to be open and vulnerable when they first meet somebody because they are worried these people can use the information against them in some way.


My whole method requires you to show up in your life open and vulnerable as it’s a necessary step to create a space where they also want to be open and vulnerable with you. This is the only way you can truly emotionally connect with someone.

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How To Be Open & Vulnerable?

1. Trust Your Intuition - Something that is really important is to be in touch with your intuition, your gut feeling. Yes, people can use your openness and vulnerability against you, but you can’t live life in fear.

You have to have faith that your person exists and the only way you will find them is by putting yourself out there openly and vulnerably, and as long as you do that and listen to your gut feeling when something doesn’t feel right, you will find your person.


2. Own Your sh*t! - The more guarded you are the less likely people will be able to emotionally connect with you. If you are holding on to all of your past relationships and saying, “Oh my gosh, poor me, I've been wronged by all these assholes and all these men”.

You are scared of getting hurt again, but if you understood that the reason you got hurt in the first place was because you chose the wrong men, then you could realize you have the power to get yourself out of your own way.


3. Just Show Up - So yes, it can be scary to always be open and vulnerable, but this is my challenge to you, to show up in your life completely open and vulnerable to anyone you meet.

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When you meet your person they will be a complete stranger. When I met Will, I didn't know Will. He was a stranger. When you show up open and vulnerable, there will be guys who will be overwhelmed, but the right guy won’t be. He will appreciate you for all that you are.


If you want to dive deeper into how to be open and vulnerable, listen to my podcast episode How To Find Your Person Fast: Be Open and Vulnerable 


I hope you are inspired to be fully present in your life, shine your light, and put your heart on your sleeve so you can find crazy love. Because remember, it has to be Crazy Love or Nothing.


Your love coach,

Jackie Loor



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