November 10, 2022
Episode 6:
How to Find Your Person Fast: Be Open and Vulnerable
I have received some crazy messages on my Instagram from people who are completely against my advice on showing up in life open and vulnerable.
They think showing up open and vulnerable from the beginning of meeting somebody is “inappropriate” and “dangerous” because people can use your information against you in some way.
My whole method requires you to show up in your life open and vulnerable. It’s a necessary step to create a space where they also want to be open and vulnerable with you. That is the only way you can truly emotionally connect with someone.
Something that is also really important is to be in touch with your intuition, your gut feeling. Yes, people can use your openness and vulnerability against you, but you can’t live life in fear. You have to have faith that your person exists and the only way you will find them is by putting yourself out there openly and vulnerably, and as long as you do that and listen to your gut feeling when something doesn’t feel right, you will find your person.
So yes, it can be scary to always be open and vulnerable, but this is my challenge to you, to show up in your life completely open and vulnerable to anyone you meet, because your person, when you meet them, is going to be a complete stranger. When I met Will, I didn't know Will. He was a stranger.
It's so funny because my friend Jon was there that night I met Will and he said, “What are you doing giving your number to a complete stranger?”
And I said, “Well, you know, I had a good feeling about him.” I had this gut feeling that I trusted.
I want you to think about your past. Have you had a gut feeling that was telling you, ”Run!”
Did you listen to that feeling?
There were plenty of times I had that feeling too and stayed when I should have ran.
As long as you reflect, and learn from your experiences you can start to trust yourself and your intuition.
You will know when to run and when to stay.
By the end of this episode, I hope you’re inspired to be fully present in your life, shine your light, and put your heart on your sleeve. You will also learn to trust your gut so you know when it’s time to say, “Bye-bye” because you will know it has to be Crazy Love or Nothing.
Jackie Loor