April 29, 2024

 Episode 159:

Do You Want Kids? Own It!

For anyone who is dating and is struggling on how to navigate conversations about having children, this episode is for you! 

You know, it's not always an easy journey for us women, especially when we're striving to find that perfect partner before stepping into the role of motherhood.

In this episode, we tackled the struggles head-on, emphasizing the importance of honesty and never settling for anything less than what you deserve. I urged all of the wonderful women to envision life with the ideal teammate, because settling? Well, that’s just not in our vocabulary.

I believe in being crystal clear and intentional when it comes to dating, and that means not compromising on core values, especially when it comes to parenthood. Why abandon dreams when you can take control of your love life with confidence?

We have the power to shape our destinies. But it doesn’t stop there. I’m all about action, which is why I’m inviting you all to my upcoming masterclass. Together, we’ll reignite those aspirations and challenge those pesky limiting beliefs standing in the way of our dreams.

So, here’s to not settling, to taking control, and to embracing our worthiness without compromise. Let’s make those dreams a reality, one step at a time. And remember, it has to be Crazy love or Nothing!

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