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What You Can Learn From My Client After Breaking Up With A Narcissist And Finding Real Love

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My client, Rosie, used to be in a toxic relationship with a narcissist, but instead of going back and forth with him, she took action and decided to work with a coach to figure out her next steps. She was open and ready to be challenged, and because of that she was able to get over her narcissistic ex and open herself up to date again, but this time with intention. Although Rosie was definitely not for online dating, she trusted me and my process and opened herself up to it.  Soon after working with me and knowing exactly what she was worth and what she wanted, she found her person…on Facebook Dating! And I’m so happy to announce that they just got married this past February! 


If you are anything like Rosie and have some walls up when it comes to online dating, you may give it a try after hearing Rosie’s story! 


Here are some of the things she learned from that toxic relationship.

1. Notice red flags - Pay attention! The writing is always on the wall so notice the red flags, and don’t ignore them! They will blow up in your face sooner or later.

Red Flag Netflix GIF by Blown Away

2. Don’t enter into a relationship if you haven’t healed yet - Rosie and her ex broke up 5 years ago, but he resurfaced again at a time where she was at a very low point in her life so just accepted the love she thought she deserved. 

Self Care Healing GIF by The Resident on FOX 

3. Dig deep and reflect - After breaking up with her toxic ex, Rosie did a lot of reflecting and decided to work with me, a love coach. 


If you want to learn more about how she dealt with her narcissistic ex and how she found the love of her life online, listen to this episode.


You’ll definitely be inspired to let go of the people who are toxic in your life, and you’ll know how to take action towards finding the love that is truly waiting for you just like Rosie did!


And remember, it has to be C.R.A.Z.Y. love, or  nothing.


Your love coach,


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