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What Paying On The 1st Date Really Means

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You’re out here living your best life and a guy comes along, the connection is there and he invites you out on a date. The bill comes and he looks the other way. What do you do?

Well, guess what time it is? It’s “bye-bye” time!

Yes, you can pay for that dinner, but that’s not the point. Would you want someone who can’t even hold their own on the 1st date?! Chivalry isn’t dead, ladies.



Here’s a list of things you need to keep in mind about what paying on the 1st date really means:

  • It shows he values you and your time - He knows your time is valuable. The fact that you agreed to go out with him meant you carved out time in your busy schedule to go out on this date with him and he is grateful for that. He feels the least he could do is pay for that dinner and make sure you have a great time.

Tiffany Pollard Queen GIF 

  • It shows he is generous and knows how to take care of people he loves - When the bill comes and he doesn’t offer to pay, does that give you the impression that he’s a generous man? Do you think this man knows how to take care of the people he loves? No. Okay, taking care of someone doesn’t only mean financially but let’s be honest here, you want a partner who knows how to stand on his own. How will he take care of his future family? This isn’t about being a princess and expecting the guy to pay for everything. The point is that if you want to share a life with a partner, you want to make sure you are looking for someone who is willing to put in the effort, and if he can’t even put in the effort on the first date, he never will. The date doesn’t even have to be expensive, it could just be coffee and a pastry. 


  • It shows he can lead - Paying for a simple first date can set the tone in the relationship. If he doesn’t offer to pay on the first date, and you pay for it, what do you think the relationship with him would look like in the future? You will be carrying the majority of the relationship on your own. Now you're just paying for a date, the next thing you know you are cleaning after him at home. Pretty drastic, but you know what I mean. The guy you are looking for would love the chance to show you he cares, so give him that opportunity. I am all about equality, but I know you are a giving woman and I just want to make sure you are giving to a man who will be able to give to you too without you having to beg for it.

 With Love Annie GIF by Amazon Prime Video

Going on a first date? Listen to this episode and download my FREE
First Date Ultimate Checklist. 


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