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Telltale Signs of Love Bombing and What To Do To Avoid Being Love Bombed

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Have you ever experienced being showered with so much affection early on to a point you question how genuine his affection is? Well, you might be getting love-bombed. 


Love bombing is when a person is showering you with affection, gifts, and attention early on in the relationship without emotional connection. Sometimes narcissists use this as a tactic to build you up, gain your trust and manipulate you later on in the relationship. (But not all love bombers are narcissists, just keep that in mind.)


So what are other telltale signs you need to watch out for and how to avoid being love bombed:


  1. He tells you how amazing you are without even knowing you first - So you meet a new guy and he comes on too strong with his lavish words, telling you how amazing you are and all these things that he thinks might make you swoon. Basically, blowing smoke up your ass.

    How can he say all these things when he doesn't even know me that well?”

  2. Makes grand promises - He promises you the world but doesn’t follow through. After gaining your trust through showering you with affection, he starts to step back. He doesn’t call you when he says he will, he starts controlling you and you find yourself seeking his approval and giving in to his requests (orders) just to get back to the honeymoon stage of the relationship when he showered you with affection.

90 Day Fiance Liar GIF by TLC

Now you know what the classic love bombing looks like, so how do you avoid being a victim of love bombing?


  1. Be self-fulfilled - When you know you are amazing, you don’t really need other people’s validation or you don’t NEED to hear it from other people because you already feel good on your own. 

  2. Be self aware - Have a deeper level of self-awareness. This will allow you to be present and avoid being swept off your feet. You are in tune with your intuition and you know how to discern truths from bullsh*t.

Tohavecharlotte GIF by OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network

Knowledge is power my friend! Listen to my entire episode and learn more about love-bombing and what you can do to avoid being love-bombed. 


I want you to find C.R.A.Z.Y. Love but it has to be authentic, and love bombing is far from authentic.


And remember, it has to be Crazy Love, or Nothing

Your love coach,


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