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How To Say Bye-Bye To People Pleasing (Especially In Dating)

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People pleasing is a byproduct of insecurity. We tend to want to be wanted by others, and viewed as a “good” person so we do everything we think will please those around us.


But pleasing people makes us do things that sometimes don't sit well with us. And when we do those things, our perception of our worth and self-respect starts to go down. I'm here to tell you that it is the time we start saying “Bye-Bye” to people-pleasing. 


So how do you do that?


Here are 3 things you can do to Say Bye-Bye To People Pleasing 

1. Be confident in who you are - I used to want to please the people around me, but that would sometimes take me away from who I truly was. I am at that point in my life where I care less whether or not people like me. It’s not so much about age than about being more confident in who I am, and my purpose. 

Kamala Harris Politics GIF by The Democrats


2. Be authentic - I used to think that I owe a guy a kiss after he paid for dinner because that's what everyone is doing, but then I would feel less than after being physical with them. I realized it's so important to honor my gut feeling and stay true to myself.

big brother bb20 GIF by Big Brother After Dark


3. Put you first - We don't put ourselves first enough because when we do we feel guilty or selfish or some other bullsh*t, but you need to know that you’re  not being selfish.

It’s as simple and basic as that, but we tend to forget this because we’re kind, we love, and we want to be liked and accepted by others. It is time to take a step back and put you first. 


This year we are saying “Bye-Bye” to being a people pleaser. We are saying “Bye-Bye” to being a martyr just to accommodate others, and saying “bye-bye” to doing things for others at our own expense.

If you truly want to find lasting love, you need to love yourself first, and take care of you before anyone else. Listen to your gut feeling and make sure you never sacrifice your own happiness to please others. 


And as you are out there looking for love, remember, it has to be Crazy Love, or Nothing.


Your love coach,




Listen to this podcast episode and know more how you can put yourself first this year!


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