Let's See How I Can Help You

How To Know On A First Date If He's "The One"

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I know we all feel like we have to play this game when it comes to dating, and it sucks. It's exhausting to be like, “Yeah, we're dating but everything stays surface level.” No one's talking about real sh*t, and you're chatting endlessly with guys, having conversations that go nowhere.

Is this resonating with you?

Are you like, “Oh, my God, this b*tch is talking to me!”

I want to stop this madness! And I'm telling you, this is not on you, okay?

I feel like we are in The Matrix, and I'm going to give you the f*cking red pill. And this is the time that we're going to change everything.

keanu reeves film GIF

How to Date with Intention

1. Know what you want have a list of your ideal partner, nothing superficial. Include non-negotiables such as values and principles. What are the most important things to you in a partner? Do you want a guy who is family-oriented? Include that in your list. Do not deviate, do not compromise your values for any guy. 


2. Be all in - Show your true self in the first hour of talking/chatting. Share about yourself and create space for him to share his true self as well.

Be vulnerable, don’t be afraid to ask meaningful questions. Ask him about his previous relationships, know where he is emotionally, is he truly ready? Don’t go walking on eggshells trying not to scare him off. The right guy will not be intimidated with these questions. Make that first hour of talking/chatting meaningful.

3. Emotional connection over physical connection - Now I am not saying to use sex as a way to play mind games or some kind of trick other ‘love-gurus’ will tell you to do. You are not withholding sex from him to make him ‘chase’ you but rather focusing on establishing a good emotional connection with him first. If he disappears when you don't give it to him instantly, then you’ll know his intentions were never good in the first place. You know what to do, it’s “bye-bye” time.


This is something that I really want you guys to understand. The more you embrace my method, the C.R.A.Z.Y. Love Method is where you are going to find a relationship, where you can be completely real and authentically zenfully you. You are exactly who you are. You don't have to be anybody but you, and you're going to be absolutely loved for it.


Don’t settle because remember, it has to be Crazy Love or Nothing!

Your love coach,



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