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How To Have Real Conversations With A Man

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The new season of The Bachelor has recently come out and we need to talk about Zach Shallcross. He is becoming one of my favorite bachelors because he is a great example of a guy wanting an emotional connection.


I always say how watching reality tv shows such as The Bachelor can really help you see what you should and shouldn't be doing as you're dating! 


How To Have Real Conversations With A Man

1. Give him that safe space to be open & vulnerable - It is important to open up when you’re talking to someone, but it is also equally as important to listen to the other person. You can start by sharing something meaningful about yourself, and then you can ask him to share something about himself. 


2. Don’t lead with the physical - One contestant in The Bachelor made the mistake by leading with the physical and kept the conversations shallow because of the limiting beliefs she had on herself. A guy who wants a lasting relationship would want someone they can connect with emotionally.

margot robbie focus GIF  

3. Just be you! -  Women often go to lengths just to impress a guy. They try to be funny or smart or charming, in the hopes of getting the guy interested. When you watch The Bachelor you will see some women become insecure as they see the other women as competition, which leads them to do things they wouldn’t normally do if they were just being themselves. You will know if a woman is confident because they exude a calm energy as they do not feel threatened. Be confident in who you are and know that you are enough.

Fox Be You GIF by Bones


Listen to the episode and find out how it is possible to have real deep conversations with a man. 

And as you're putting yourself out there don't settle for anything less than crazy love, because remember, it has to be Crazy Love or Nothing.


Your love coach,


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