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How To Handle Or Avoid A Situationship

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Have you ever been in a situation with a guy where you always go on dates, see each other, talk and sometimes even get physical but there’s no label because “he’s just taking it slow” or “he’s not ready to be in a relationship yet” or both!


Well, my beautiful friend, I’m afraid you’re in a SITUATIONSHIP.


When you’re in a situationship, you are not in control, there are no healthy boundaries, no accountability and you are denying yourself of what you truly want, a C.R.A.Z.Y. love, a relationship where you can be…

Completely, Real and Authentically Zenfully You


So how do you avoid a situationship?

1. DTR - Define the relationship ASAP. Talk to him directly about the situation. Just because you are always going out and seeing each other, that doesn’t mean you are official and exclusive. Never assume, just ask. When you get your answer, then you’ll know what to do next.

Emily Osment Idk GIF by CBS


2. Don’t get physical - or stop being physical with him! If he says he’s not yet ready to be official or he’s being weird about it, stop having sex with him and being physical with him. 

If you’re hooking up with him, he has the best of all worlds. 


If you haven’t had sex with him, go back to Step #1 before doing anything with him. This will save you unnecessary pain by being attached to someone who may not be emotionally available or doesn’t see a future with you.


3. Love yourself - When you love yourself more, you become more assertive about what you want, and you are not afraid to make it known. Do not just keep doing what he wants you to do, do things on your terms.

Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek

Do not wait for him to value you and see your worth. You do not have to play by his rules. Remember, you are in control of your story, so say what you want in a mature way, and if he doesn’t respect it or show up for you, then it’s “bye-bye” time.


Because remember, it has to be, Crazy love or Nothing.

Your love coach



Listen to the episode and learn how to navigate a situationship, and if you haven't been in one, you'll learn how to avoid one before it sneaks up on you!

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