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How To Emotionally Connect with Someone Online

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I know so many people hate online dating, but I have to tell you I have seen so many of my clients find their person online, and I’m going to tell you how they did it! 

The beauty of online dating is that you don’t have to worry about anything physical getting in the way. I know for myself I always led with the physical and it would confuse the sh*t out of me. Online dating gives you the opportunity to connect with someone in the most important way…emotionally! 

Here are 3 tips on how to emotionally connect with someone online:

1. Be intentional - Know what you want! If you have read my previous blogs or you’re following my socials and podcasts you would know by now that I am big on having a checklist on what you want to have in a partner. 

Instead of just reacting to whoever comes your way and being like, “Oh my gosh, he wants to talk to me, great. He wants to kiss me or he wants to hook up with me, sure,” you can be intentional.

Really stop and think about whether or not the person is worth your time, and even more importantly if they’re worth your kiss. 

2. Be authentically real - Do you have kids or want kids? SAY IT! This will save you so much heartache in the future. Knowing early on if the person will accept you for who you are and what you truly want out of life is super important because you are not just looking for a warm body, or someone to give you some attention, right? 

You are ready to find a C.R.A.Z.Y. love, a love where you can be Completely Real, and Authentically Zenfully You, but the only way you are going to find it is if you show up completely yourself.

And not to mention, if you don’t lay out all your cards on the table from the start, one of those “cards” will be the reason your relationship ends later on, so you would just be wasting time, and you know you have no time to waste, right?

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3. Ask the right questions - “Are you looking for a casual relationship or a serious relationship?” This is so important! Why stay in a relationship when you know the person only wants something casual? Well, if that is what you are also looking for then go ahead, there’s no shame in that. But the fact you are reading my blog and following me means you are looking for something serious and lasting. So say “bye-bye” to those who will not make the cut.

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Do not be afraid to ask real and meaningful questions in the first hour of talking. I highly encourage you to find out as much as you can to see if he is a good fit or if he’s not before meeting him in person. That’s what my twin sister did and now she is happy with the love of her life who she met on Facebook Dating!

Listen to the latest episode of Crazy Love or Nothing Podcast and find out how my twin sister found love online after her divorce using my dating method, The C.R.A.Z.Y. Love Method.


You can too so just make sure to never settle because remember, it has to be crazy love or nothing!

Your love coach,







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