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How To Be Self-Fulfilled

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Before you can find your person you need to be self-fulfilled.


So many times I went into relationships looking for them to complete me, and that was just a recipe for disappointment.


Being self-fulfilled takes courage.

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Russell Brunson said it perfectly when he was talking about Napoleon Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich, and said there are 2 types of people, the drifted and the driven.


When you get an idea, a feeling comes over you, then two things can happen…

Either you'll be driven by fear (the drifter) or you’ll be driven by faith (the driven).


Which one are you? Are you the drifted or the driven? I am hoping you are the driven or at least inspired to be after reading this blog article.


3 Tips On How to be Fulfilled

1. Pursue your true passion - Have you ever had that feeling, "Why am I not that driven and motivated? Am I just lazy?" Well it’s probably because you are not doing what you love. Ask yourself what it is that you truly want to do. What will spark meaning and joy in your life? Then be FEARLESS and start taking action, big or small, doesn’t matter, just do something that lights you up…fearlessly!

2. Call yourself out - When opportunities come your way or you get a good idea and you know these will get you closer to what you want but you find yourself going with the easy route and shrugging it off, call yourself out! This is what drifters do and you are not a drifter, you are an empowered woman who is driven or who wants to be, right? So you need to go after what you want.

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3. Speak up - Do not be afraid to use your voice, to take up space and let people know what is on your mind.

And the amazing thing is that as you are speaking up so the world can see and hear you, the chances of your person seeing you too will only get better!

If you want to dive deeper into understanding who you may be, the drifted or the driven, tune into my podcast episode, Fearless and Fulfilled: You Don’t Need Anyone to Complete You, to gain some more insight.  


Just know that it's time you stop thinking about it. It's time you stop planning it. It is that simple. 

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It's time to say “bye-bye” to a lot of people in your life that are not serving you.

It's time to say “bye-bye” to a situation or a job that's not serving you. 

It is time to be freaking fearless.


Because remember, it has to be crazy love or nothing.


Your love coach,




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