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Bye-Bye Time: When There’s No Warm Fuzzy Feeling

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When is saying “bye-bye” to someone new valid? When there’s no fuzzy feeling?

Is it too immature to say “bye-bye” to someone just because there is no warm fuzzy feeling?

  Season 4 Ff GIF by Good Trouble

I am talking about the beginning of the relationship, because I know it’s not all sunshine and rainbows in a relationship, but if he doesn’t make you feel excited in the first hour of talking, it will only get worse, trust me. 


Here are some questions  one should ask themselves whenever they are talking to someone new


1. Am I excited talking to him? - In that first hour of talking, ask yourself if you’re excited talking to this new person, are you excited getting to know him? Hearing his stories? If you find yourself getting bored and just going with the flow, then why are you still wasting your time?


TV gif. Lisa Kudrow as Valerie on the Comeback leans over and gives someone a quick annoyed glance and then gives a wide fake smile, laughing at her own boredom, as she says, “Wow, this is boring.”


2. Do I feel good talking to him? - Next question to ask is, how’s the energy between you two? Is there a good banter going on? Or Is the conversation just one sided?


 3. Do I feel safe opening up to him? - Do you feel safe opening up and being vulnerable with him? Is he a good listener? Does he give you that safe space for you to show your vulnerability?


I know I always say to put your heart on your sleeve, so you have to trust your gut in this. Pay attention to the way you feel whenever you are talking to someone new, listen to your gut, and listen to this episode! There’s a lot of gold in this one!

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