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How to Meet Your Husband

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The C.R.A.Z.Y. Love Method is something that I came up with right after dating 3 million assholes, and I was just exhausted! So I said to myself I'm no longer going to waste time with the wrong guys.

Then I came up with a way to date where I never had to talk to a guy for more than an hour. I was going out, not looking for anybody. I was just being really present. That's something that I need to tell. you about. A lot of women are like, “Oh, but I'm not dating right now”, but the next thing you know they're hooking up with somebody, and then months and years go by, and they're with the wrong guys!

So my whole point is I had this moment of clarity that....

The night I met my husband, Will, I wasn't looking for anybody. I was just living my best life, feeling amazing and feeling happy. Then the next thing you know, I saw this cute guy looking at me smiling, and I smiled back…15 years later, we’re still happily married with 2 amazing girls. 


Here Are 3 Steps to Meet Your Person

1. Be AVAILABLE! - The night I moved into my new apartment I walked around with some friends to explore my new neighborhood and some live Cuban music caught my attention. 

One of my friends who I had previously dated asked me to dance, and I normally would have said yes, because it was comfortable, familiar,  but what I decided to do truly changed my life forever. A few minutes later, I saw this cute guy smiling at me, and that guy is now my husband of 15 years! Imagine if I agreed to dance with that friend, I could’ve missed my husband! This is what I am telling the women in my program, to always keep yourself available for the right one. Enough entertaining guys you know will not go anywhere!


2. Give them the GREEN LIGHT - So when that cute guy - my now husband - smiled at me, what I did after was very crucial as well. I SMILED BACK. And that was his green light to approach me and have a conversation with me. I know some of you might say, “but if he really wants me then he should just approach me”, NO! You’re giving away your powers again. Remember how I told you in the previous blog that you have the power? You have the choice! The man will do the first move but it is YOU who have the actual say who can and can’t approach you. It’s also a good thing to keep in mind what my husband said to me “I can’t read your mind” so a little smile from you is a good sign for them to actually approach and have a conversation with you.


3. Make it Meaningful - After keeping yourself available, giving the green light to someone you think is worthy of your time, and now you’re talking and having a conversation. Make it more meaningful and intentional. Don’t go around playing mind games sh*t. Make that first hour of talking meaningful by asking meaningful questions. I know other “love-gurus” out there or maybe even some of your friends, will tell you to keep things shallow to not scare him off. Enough with that bullsh*t! If he gets scared with your questions then all you need to say is, “Thank you, next”, it’s “bye-bye” time. You are a badass b*tch who do not waste time with superficial things. Move on, and keep yourself available.

Remember, it has to be Crazy Love or Nothing.

Your love coach,



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